High Prayer
"Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come... "
We are in the great tribulation of the apocalypse, and we are preparing the parousia, Lord, for your return among us. This "among us" is that of an elected one or even more, that of your coming in each of us, as one man, in the Light, the one announced in chapter 19, in the early morning of the long night and mystic fire.
These 4 fire horsemen:
- the white of your flaming Light,
- the red of the flame that breaks and burns us,
- the black coal, which will burn or not burn ..., the horsman with the balances, the one who really judges,
- the greenish pale, ash, our release of matter
Around this fire, we are waiting for the Light of your Great Day, now.
In your language of the birds, of our elected language, it was a question of:
- "Finite" world: not infinite, that's it. Climate change, pollution and loss of biodiversity, global economy at a standstill and questioning: we are miserably capable of our own destruction of living conditions, of your Creation, your machine. Laudato Si.
- Last "Judgment": it is this global consciousness, the projection of your Holy Spirit that is interconnected on this Internet, marvel of wonders. This noosphere. Your coming will happen here, at the speed of Light.
- End of "times": our future and our past are now living in the present. In musical terms, the "partition" ends, everything is in our hand, if we find the keys below. It's up to us to chain the harmonics, in the Eternity that confers on us the memory of the ancients and our data centers.
We are faced with 2 mysteries. And in your great Mercy, you would have left us the 2 keys to solve them.
1) The power and corruption of money, predatory finance:
666 or the DCLXVI of the roman numeral. The beast was Rome, in its absolutism, its financial power and its authoritarian power induced.
The tithe (one-tenth alms of the poor) or 10% interest of our Fathers Templars, is no longer donated for the good of all, for the building of your universal "Temple". These margins serve selfishness, the greed most often blind, brutal, unthinking and destructive of morality and the common good. In return, the vagueness maintained around the tax (that of Zacchaeus) and budget allocations is not satisfactory. These margins enslave peoples in reality, instead of ensuring a reasoned development of humanity, in every way respectful of this confetti planet. This while waiting for a very probable connection with extraterrestrial populations who will have understood, and reached the stage of parousia and Paradise. Our late Stephen Hawking will have established them in communication that we will not answer, sheepishly, to their first question of "what have you done?".
The Web 3.0 will be that of the Spirit.
Web 4.0 will be that of the reasoned occupation of Space (tetrahedron). It will demand environmental excellence and in regulation of finance and money corruption, it will impose the transparency of margins, accounts and budgets. Technically, nothing prevents that today, Lord, You and I know it.
Money was and will only be a medium of exchange . It is an abstraction, necessary for the development and progress of humanity, but which in its duality (exchange + reasoned margin) necessitates to solve the greatest mystery of our Judaeo-Christianity: the non-parable of the 10 Minas (Luke 19:11-27) or non-parable of the 5 Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). After the "Who am I to judge?", Here is the "Who am I to set a price? To lend to who?”
Luke 19: 11-27: authentic story of Jesus (Issa) but totally immoral, misunderstood and out of liturgy thus. Some Bibles let a ray of Light through: "And Jesus added an example...” in other words, "And Jesus added a story ..." to the already controversial choice of Zacchaeus. If this despicable story that ends in the throating, is a simple story and has no double meaning "love-money", then everything is clear: it is a trick, the highest level of mercy, the only one of Jesus, at the feet of the City of Jerusalem already prey to the "money-king", to ensure, without hindrance, the last meters of its progression to the Temple.
The Temple: his only purpose, the house of Prayer, like a spermatozoon towards the ovum, which would initiate the transformation of the World. By this story, Jesus, widely awaited, simply passed for a powerful man, and so to voluntarily disappoint and nail in place the crowd of Jews, rowdy, because they thought that the "Kingdom of God was imminent ", thus avoiding to attract the suspicions of the authorities and Pharisees.
It's magnificent, sublime. In their infinite turmoil, would our Hebrew brothers await this termination in an immense burst of joy and relief? The Great Pardon would be for soon ... Our Temple is now 40,000 km wide.
This first key is the "celestial" because it definitely resolves the last great mystery of our humanity. Love-money? Jesus was only Love, and Spirit. Our rogue foundations (prefix "parable"? Council of Nicaea?) are therefore to be revisited, urgently.
2) Islam spurs our Jewish-Christian West:
The concept of Trinity enlightens us on the construction of our 3 monotheistic religions.
- Judaism (from Moses, about 600 BC), the Father, is the religion of the conscience of God
- Christianity, is that of Love, and of Mercy (the intelligence of Love), as such invested by the Holy Spirit
- Islam (from Mohammed, +600 AD), the Son, is the religion of callback to purity before the divine.
In short, the Quran, a powerful text that may seem violent and revanchist, is witness to probable hypocritical or authoritarian excesses from the first centuries of (Judaeo) Christianity (still Rome? Constantinople? Jerusalem?). Our Muslim brothers tell us: "No, God, that can not be that ...". And given our West today at the foot of the wall, we can understand this message voluntarily not commented and made timeless.
At the time of the climatic runaway, our Paradise could well be now these simple "Gardens beneath which rivers flow". These oases, arisen from nothingness and evidence of your divine power, Lord, creator and life force.
So where is the brotherly love in this Qur'an, where is the hand extended? The key appears in Sura 80 ('Abasa), the absolute mystery of the only fault of Mohammed, perfect being for the rest, but who receives a divine blame. While preaching to a notable, the Prophet is disturbed and annoyed by a blind man who seeks his way and enters the rich villa. The divine sanction is immediate. What to understand? We (Judaeo-Christians) are the blind ... with all the meaning that this absence of sight brings. Here is the message of peace.
Islam completes the monotheistic construction, without ever contradicting its fathers (Consciousness and Love), and reminds us of Purity. (rites and practices are another discussion, because not necessarily exportable and generalizable, we will agree).
This second key is the "terrestrial" because it definitively organizes our fraternal relationship, universal, inter-ethnic, in religious convergence. "... and deliver us from Evil forever". For this Evil does not exist, Lord, it is only absence, Your absence.
"For a true world order,
for all things to come into the Order,
Lord, your orders will be our desires. "